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Сборник задач по высшей математике. 3 тома

Сборник задач по высшей математике. 3 томаНазвание: Сборник задач по высшей математике. 3 тома
Автор: Гюнтер Н.М.
Издательство: Гостехиздат
Год: 1949
Формат: djvu
Страниц: 224
Размер: 18 Мб
Язык: русский

Переработка, проведенная в этой издании, представляет шаг в намеченном направлении. В ряде мест даны пояснения общего характера, иногда даются решения отдельных примеров. Значительно изменено расположение материала. У многих задач текст изменен так, чтобы облегчить решающему нахождение отправной точки. Формулировка задач и многих ответов сделана более компактной. Вставлено довольно много новых задач и еще больше задач исключено — общее число задач уменьшилось приблизительно на 200. Авторам хотелось сделать книгу более доступной, не уменьшая богатства содержания. Опыт покажет, удачны ли проведенные изменения.


Название: Электроразведка
Автор: Жданов М.С.
Издательство: Недра
Год: 1986
Формат: djvu
Страниц: 316
Размер: 13,5 Мб
Язык: русский

Приведены общие сведения о физико-математических основах электроразведки, условиях и способах возбуждения и измерения электромагнитных полей. Описаны методы электроразведки постоянным электрическим полем, магнитотеллурические и магнитовариационные методы, электромагнитные зондирования с контрольным источником поля, методы полей физико-химического происхождения. Рассмотрены аппаратура, оборудование, методика работ, способы обработки и интерпретации результатов наблюдений.

Спектральная теория

Спектральная теорияНазвание: Спектральная теория
Автор: Бурбаки Н.
Издательство: Мир
Год: 1972
Формат: pdf
Страниц: 193
Размер: 27 Мб
Язык: Русский

Книга входит в завоевавшую мировое признание энциклопедию современной математики "Элементы математики", созданную группой французских ученых, выступающих под коллективным псевдонимом Н. Бурбаки. Ряд томов этой энциклопедии уже вышел в русском переводе и получил заслуженно высокую оценку советских ученых. Этот выпуск, состоящий из двух глав: "Нормированные алгебры" и "Локально компактные коммутативные группы", выгодно отличается от прочих трудов Н. Бурбаки тем, что он мало связан с другими томами трактата, в нем нет излишней общности. Книга изобилует методическими усовершенствованиями и отражает самые современные результаты. Она представляет интерес для математиков различных специальностей - от студентов до научных работников.

Основы физики диэлектриков

Основы физики диэлектриковНазвание: Основы физики диэлектриков
Автор: Корицкий Ю.В.
Издательство: Энергия
Год: 1979
Формат: djvu
Страниц: 248
Размер: 12,6 Мб
Язык: русский

В книге изложены основные понятия о диэлектриках, структура газообразных, жидких и твердых диэлектриков, диэлектрическая поляризация, электропроводность, диэлектрические потери и явление пробоя диэлектрика во всех агрегатных состояниях диэлектрика. Для каждого из этих явлений рассматриваются физические основы, зависимость определяющих параметров от различных факторов и их практическая значимость.

Differential Geometry and Its Visualization

Автор: Limpopo5 от 2023-07-01, 17:31:17
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Differential Geometry and Its VisualizationНазвание: Differential Geometry and Its Visualization
Автор: Eberhard Malkowsky, Cemal Dolicanin, and Vesna Velickovic
Издательство: CRC Press
Год: 2024
Страниц: 493
Язык: английский
Формат: pdf (true)
Размер: 23.3 MB

Differential Geometry and Its Visualization is suitable for graduate level courses in differential geometry, serving both students and teachers. It can also be used as a supplementary reference for research in mathematics and the natural and engineering sciences. Differential geometry is the study of geometric objects and their properties using the methods of mathematical analysis. The classical theory of curves and surfaces in three-dimensional Euclidean space is presented in the first three chapters. The abstract and modern topics of tensor algebra, Riemannian spaces and tensor analysis are studied in the last two chapters. A great number of illustrating examples, visualizations and genuine figures created by the authors’ own software are included to support the understanding of the presented concepts and results, and to develop an adequate perception of the shapes of geometric objects, their properties and the relations between them. This book is intended for students and teachers of courses in differential geometry at graduate level as well as in doctoral studies. It is also useful for mathematicians, physicists and engineers who need or are interested in its topics.

Numerical Methods Fundamentals

Автор: Limpopo5 от 2023-07-01, 17:10:59
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Numerical Methods FundamentalsНазвание: Numerical Methods Fundamentals
Автор: R.V. Dukkipati
Издательство: Mercury Learning and Information LLC
Год: 2023
Страниц: 469
Язык: английский
Формат: pdf (true)
Размер: 10.1 MB

The book is designed to cover all major aspects of applied numerical methods, including numerical computations, solution of algebraic and transcendental equations, finite differences and interpolation, curve fitting, correlation and regression, numerical differentiation and integration, matrices and linear system of equations, numerical solution of ordinary differential equations, and numerical solution of partial differentialequations. It uses a numerical problem-solving orientation with numerous examples, figures, and end of chapter exercises. Presentations are limited to very basic topics to serve as an introduction to more advanced topics. The purpose of this book is to impart a basic understanding, both physical and mathematical, of the basic theory of numerical analysis/methods and their applications.

Differential Linear Matrix Inequalities: In Sampled-Data Systems Filtering and Control

Автор: Limpopo5 от 2023-06-26, 01:09:22
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Differential Linear Matrix Inequalities: In Sampled-Data Systems Filtering and ControlНазвание: Differential Linear Matrix Inequalities: In Sampled-Data Systems Filtering and Control
Автор: Jose C. Geromel
Издательство: Springer
Год: 2023
Страниц: 259
Язык: английский
Формат: pdf (true), epub
Размер: 22.3 MB

This book is entirely devoted to sampled-data control systems analysis and design from a new point of view, which has at its core a mathematical tool named Differential Linear Matrix Inequality - DLMI, a natural generalization of Linear Matrix Inequality - LMI, that had an important and deep impact on systems and control theory almost thirty years ago. It lasts until now. It is shown that the DLMI is well adapted to deal with the important class of sampled-data control systems in both theoretical and numerical contexts. All design conditions are expressed by convex programming problems, including when robustness against parameter uncertainty is assessed and imposed through state feedback control. Special attention is given to filter, dynamic output feedback and model predictive control design, as well as nonlinear systems of Lur’e class and Markov jump linear systems. The subject is treated with mathematical rigor, at the same time, trying to keep the reading agreeable and fruitful for colleagues and students.

Analysis, Geometry, Nonlinear Optimization and Applications

Автор: Limpopo5 от 2023-06-24, 20:27:33
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Analysis, Geometry, Nonlinear Optimization and ApplicationsНазвание: Analysis, Geometry, Nonlinear Optimization and Applications
Автор: Panos M Pardalos, Themistocles M. Rassias
Издательство: World Scientific Publishing
Серия: Series on Computers and Operations Research
Год: 2023
Страниц: 895
Язык: английский
Формат: pdf (true)
Размер: 17.7 MB

This volume features an extensive account of both research and expository papers in a wide area of engineering and mathematics and its various applications.Topics treated within this book include optimization of control points, game theory, equilibrium points, algorithms, Cartan matrices, integral inequalities, Volterra integro-differential equations, Caristi-Kirk theorems, Laplace type integral operators, etc. This useful reference text benefits graduate students, beginning research engineers and mathematicians as well as established researchers in these domains.

Topics in Graph Theory (Discrete Mathematics and Its Applications)

Автор: Limpopo5 от 2023-06-23, 06:05:32
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Topics in Graph Theory (Discrete Mathematics and Its Applications)Название: Topics in Graph Theory
Автор: Jonathan L. Gross, Jay Yellen, Mark Anderson
Издательство: CRC Press
Серия: Discrete Mathematics and Its Applications
Год: 2023
Страниц: 526
Язык: английский
Формат: pdf (true), epub
Размер: 28.0 MB

The interplay continues to grow between graph theory and a wide variety of models and applications in mathematics, computer science, operations research, and the natural and social sciences. Topics in Graph Theory is geared toward the more mathematically mature student. The first three chapters provide the basic definitions and theorems of graph theory and the remaining chapters introduce a variety of topics and directions for research. These topics draw on numerous areas of theoretical and applied mathematics, including combinatorics, probability, linear algebra, group theory, topology, operations research, and computer science. This makes the book appropriate for a first course at the graduate level or as a second course at the undergraduate level. The authors build upon material previously published in Graph Theory and Its Applications, Third Edition, by the same authors. That text covers material for both an undergraduate and graduate course, while this book builds on and expands the graduate-level material. Features Extensive exercises and applications. Flexibility: appropriate for either a first course at the graduate level or an advanced course at the undergraduate level. Opens avenues to a variety of research areas in graph theory. Emphasis on topological and algebraic graph theory.

Artificial Intelligence on Dark Matter and Dark Energy: Reverse Engineering of the Big Bang

Автор: Limpopo5 от 2023-06-21, 04:33:53
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Artificial Intelligence on Dark Matter and Dark Energy: Reverse Engineering of the Big BangНазвание: Artificial Intelligence on Dark Matter and Dark Energy: Reverse Engineering of the Big Bang
Автор: Ariel Fernandez
Издательство: CRC Press
Серия: Chapman & Hall/CRC Artificial Intelligence and Robotics Series
Год: 2024
Страниц: 173
Язык: английский
Формат: pdf (true)
Размер: 34.0 MB

As we prod the cosmos at very large scales, basic tenets of physics seem to crumble under the weight of contradicting evidence. This book helps mitigate the crisis. It resorts to Artificial Intelligence (AI) for answers and describes the outcome of this quest in terms of an ur-universe, a quintessential compact multiply connected space that incorporates a fifth dimension to encode space-time as a latent manifold. In some ways, AI is bolder than humans because the huge corpus of knowledge, starting with the prodigious Standard Model (SM) of particle physics, poses almost no burden to its conjecture-framing processes. Why not feed AI with the SM enriched by the troubling cosmological phenomenology on dark matter and dark energy and see where AI takes us vis-a-vis reconciling the conflicting data with the laws of physics? This is precisely the intellectual adventure described in this book and – to the best of our knowledge – in no other book on the shelf.

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