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Optimization Algorithms (MEAP v12)

Автор: Limpopo5 от 2024-04-09, 05:25:25
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Optimization Algorithms (MEAP v12)Название: Optimization Algorithms (MEAP v12)
Автор: Аlаа Кhаmis
Издательство: Manning Publications
Год: 2024
Страниц: 739
Язык: английский
Формат: epub
Размер: 77.6 MB

Solve design, planning, and control problems using modern machine learning and AI techniques. Optimization problems are everywhere in daily life. What’s the fastest route from one place to another? How do you calculate the optimal price for a product? How should you plant crops, allocate resources, and schedule surgeries? Optimization Algorithms introduces the AI algorithms that can solve these complex and poorly-structured problems. Inside you’ll find a wide range of optimization methods, from deterministic and stochastic derivative-free optimization to nature-inspired search algorithms and machine learning methods. Don’t worry—there’s no complex mathematical notation. You’ll learn through in-depth case studies that cut through academic complexity to demonstrate how each algorithm works in the real world.

Дискретная математика: множества и графы

Автор: natagu от 2024-03-29, 13:38:58
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Дискретная математика: множества и графы
Автор: Анищик Т.А.
Название: Дискретная математика: множества и графы: учебное пособие
Издательство: Краснодар: КубГАУ
Год: 2019
ISBN: 978-5-907247-68-0
Язык: Русский
Формат: djvu
Размер: 16,6 Мб
Качество: хорошее, текстовый слой, оглавление.
Кол-во страниц: 96

Описание: Актуальность написания учебного пособия обусловлена рядом причин: сложностью осваивания объемной по содержанию и перегруженной терминами теории графов и множеств; востребованностью в систематизированном и ясном изложении учебного материала с примерами.

C# Algorithms: Constructing Efficient and Optimised Solutions

Автор: Limpopo5 от 2024-03-17, 19:58:08
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C# Algorithms: Constructing Efficient and Optimised SolutionsНазвание: C# Algorithms: Constructing Efficient and Optimised Solutions
Автор: Тhеорhilus Еdеt
Издательство: CompreQuest Books
Серия: Algorithms and Data Structures
Год: 2024
Страниц: 441
Язык: английский
Формат: pdf
Размер: 33.7 MB

Get ready to unlock your full programming potential with C# Algorithms!: Whether you're a seasoned C# programmer or a novice looking to sharpen your skills, "C# Algorithms: Constructing Efficient and Optimized Solutions" is the definitive guide you've been waiting for. Dive deep into advanced algorithms and learn how to maximize your coding potential, master C# programming, and build efficient and optimized solutions. This comprehensive guide will help you unlock new levels of programming proficiency and give you the tools you need to become a true coding master. From novice to expert, discover how to master C# Algorithms.: Are you a programming enthusiast, looking to sharpen your skills in C#? Dive deep into the world of algorithms with this comprehensive guide, designed to cater to both novices and experienced developers alike. Whether you're a student, professional, or hobbyist coder, this book offers a wealth of knowledge, techniques, and best practices to help you excel in your programming endeavors. Whether you're a student looking to ace your programming assignments, a professional seeking to optimize your codebase, or a hobbyist coder eager to take your skills to the next level, this book is for you.

Data Structures and Algorithms with Go: Create efficient solutions and optimize your Go coding skills

Автор: Limpopo5 от 2024-03-14, 22:18:07
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Data Structures and Algorithms with Go: Create efficient solutions and optimize your Go coding skillsНазвание: Data Structures and Algorithms with Go: Create efficient solutions and optimize your Go coding skills
Автор: Dušаn Stоjаnоvić
Издательство: BPB Publications
Год: 2024
Страниц: 188
Язык: английский
Формат: pdf, epub, mobi
Размер: 10.1 MB

Dive into the endless possibilities of data structures and algorithms and have fun doing it. Go, designed by Google, is a modern, open-source language known for its simplicity, readability, and efficiency. It excels at building web applications, network tools, and cloud services. Its clear syntax and built-in concurrency features make it a popular choice for modern developers. This guide simplifies the basics by introducing arrays, lists, stacks, queues, maps, trees, and graphs in a practical way. Get hands-on experience, understand essential operations, and compare strengths and weaknesses. Perfect your skills with searching, sorting, and efficient data retrieval techniques. Traverse graphs and trees with ease, all illustrated in the Go code for real-world application, and conclude with insights for ongoing learning. After reading this book, the reader can determine when and why specific data structures should be used and when an algorithm best fits the actual problem’s solution. The book targets beginners and experienced developers who want to learn how to implement particular algorithms. It is also helpful for developers who wish to expand their knowledge of data structures and algorithms.

Grokking Algorithms, 2nd Edition (Final Release)

Автор: Limpopo5 от 2024-03-05, 02:59:52
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Grokking Algorithms, 2nd Edition (Final Release)Название: Grokking Algorithms, 2nd Edition (Final Release)
Автор: Аditуа Вhаrgаvа
Издательство: Manning Publications
Год: 2024
Страниц: 322
Язык: английский
Формат: pdf (true)
Размер: 41.6 MB

A friendly, fully-illustrated introduction to the most important computer programming algorithms. Master the most widely used algorithms and be fully prepared when you’re asked about them at your next job interview. With beautifully simple explanations, over 400 fun illustrations, and dozens of relevant examples, you’ll actually enjoy learning about algorithms with this fun and friendly guide! The first edition of Grokking Algorithms proved to over 100,000 readers that learning algorithms doesn't have to be complicated or boring! This revised second edition contains brand new coverage of trees, including binary search trees, balanced trees, B-trees and more. You’ll also discover fresh insights on data structure performance that takes account of modern CPUs. Plus, the book’s fully annotated code samples have been updated to Python 3. This book is aimed at anyone who knows the basics of coding and wants to understand algorithms. Maybe you already have a coding problem and are trying to find an algorithmic solution. Or maybe you want to understand what algorithms are useful for.

Теория расписаний

Автор: natagu от 2024-02-16, 07:30:08
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Теория расписаний
Автор: Конвей Р.В., Максвелл В.Л., Миллер Л.В.
Название: Теория расписаний
Издательство: М.: Наука
Год: 1975
Язык: Русский
Формат: djvu
Размер: 28,3 Мб
Качество: хорошее, текстовый слой, оглавление.
Кол-во страниц: 360

Описание: Изложение материала книги хорошо продумано методически, подробно обсуждаются прикладные аспекты — в частности, важный в конкретных приложениях вопрос об учете плановых сроков. Книга состоит из двух больших частей, каждую из которых можно рассматривать как учебные пособия по соответствующим курсам университетов и вузов.

Grokking Algorithm Blueprint: Advanced Guide to Help You Excel Using Grokking Algorithms

Автор: Limpopo5 от 2024-02-12, 18:51:03
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Grokking Algorithm Blueprint: Advanced Guide to Help You Excel Using Grokking AlgorithmsНазвание: Grokking Algorithm Blueprint: Advanced Guide to Help You Excel Using Grokking Algorithms
Автор: Williаm Тurnеr
Издательство: Independently published
Год: October 30, 2023
Страниц: 230
Язык: английский
Формат: pdf, epub, mobi
Размер: 10.1 MB

Grokking Algorithms is a book that aims to help readers understand the fundamental concepts of Computer Science algorithms. It covers various algorithms and data structures, including searching, sorting, graph algorithms, dynamic programming, and more. The book presents the concepts clearly and concisely, with plenty of illustrations and examples to help readers grasp the ideas. It also includes exercises and challenges at the end of each chapter to help readers test their understanding and apply their knowledge. An algorithm is a set of steps or procedures to solve a problem or perform a task. Algorithms are used to perform calculations, data processing, and automated reasoning tasks. They are an essential part of Computer Science and are used in various applications, including search engines, image recognition, and Machine Learning. Grokking Algorithms aims to give readers a solid foundation in Computer Science algorithms and to help them develop the skills and confidence to tackle complex problems using algorithms. It is an excellent resource for Computer Science students, software engineers, and anyone interested in learning algorithms and data structures.

Дискретная математика. Комбинаторная оптимизация на графах

Автор: natagu от 2024-02-10, 07:49:11
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Дискретная математика. Комбинаторная оптимизация на графах
Автор: Галкина В.А.
Название: Дискретная математика. Комбинаторная оптимизация на графах. Учебное пособие
Издательство: М.: Гелиос АРВ
Год: 2003
ISBN: 5-85438-069-2
Язык: Русский
Формат: djvu
Размер: 11,4 Мб
Качество: хорошее, текстовый слой, оглавление.
Кол-во страниц: 233

Описание: Наряду с классическими основами теории графов в учебном пособии рассмотрены вычислительные алгоритмы решения оптимизационных задач, используемые в реальной практике управления организационными системами, в частности, при решении задач обеспечения информационной безопасности.

Computational Intelligence-based Optimization Algorithms: From Theory to Practice

Автор: Limpopo5 от 2024-02-02, 20:42:41
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Computational Intelligence-based Optimization Algorithms: From Theory to PracticeНазвание: Computational Intelligence-based Optimization Algorithms: From Theory to Practice
Автор: Ваbаk Zоlghаdr-Аsli
Издательство: CRC Press
Год: 2024
Страниц: 357
Язык: английский
Формат: pdf (true)
Размер: 32.1 MB

Computational intelligence-based optimization methods, also known as metaheuristic optimization algorithms, are a popular topic in mathematical programming. These methods have bridged the gap between various approaches and created a new school of thought to solve real-world optimization problems. In this book, we have selected some of the most effective and renowned algorithms in the literature. These algorithms are not only practical but also provide thought-provoking theoretical ideas to help readers understand how they solve optimization problems. Each chapter includes a brief review of the algorithm’s background and the fields it has been used in. Additionally, Python code is provided for all algorithms at the end of each chapter, making this book a valuable resource for beginner and intermediate programmers looking to understand these algorithms.

Chaotic Meta-heuristic Algorithms for Optimal Design of Structures

Автор: Limpopo5 от 2024-01-31, 21:27:55
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Chaotic Meta-heuristic Algorithms for Optimal Design of StructuresНазвание: Chaotic Meta-heuristic Algorithms for Optimal Design of Structures
Автор: Аli Каvеh, Ноssеin Yоusеfрооr
Издательство: Springer
Серия: Studies in Computational Intelligence
Год: 2024
Страниц: 349
Язык: английский
Формат: pdf (true)
Размер: 16.5 MB

In this book, various chaos maps are embedded in eleven efficient and well-known metaheuristics and a significant improvement in the optimization results is achieved. The two basic steps of metaheuristic algorithms consist of exploration and exploitation. The imbalance between these stages causes serious problems for metaheuristic algorithms, which are immature convergence and stopping in local optima. Chaos maps with chaotic jumps can save algorithms from being trapped in local optima and lead to convergence toward global optima. Embedding these maps in the exploration phase, exploitation phase, or both simultaneously corresponds to three efficient and useful scenarios. By creating competition between different modes and increasing diversity in the search space and creating sudden jumps in the search phase, improvements are achieved for chaotic algorithms. Four Chaotic Algorithms, including Chaotic Cyclical Parthenogenesis Algorithm, Chaotic Water Evaporation Optimization, Chaotic Tug-of-War Optimization, and Chaotic Thermal Exchange Optimization are developed.

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