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Web Development with Clojure: Build Large, Maintainable Web Applications Interactively, 3rd Edition (July 2021)

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Автор: Limpopo5 от 2022-01-06, 20:55:13
Web Development with Clojure: Build Large, Maintainable Web Applications Interactively, 3rd Edition (July 2021)Название: Web Development with Clojure: Build Large, Maintainable Web Applications Interactively, 3rd Edition
Автор: Dmitri Sotnikov, Scot Brown
Издательство: Pragmatic Bookshelf
Год: July 2021 (V. P1.0)
Страниц: 462
Язык: английский
Формат: pdf (true)
Размер: 65.5 MB

This book is aimed at readers of all levels. While having some basic proficiency with functional programming will be helpful, it’s by no means required to follow the material presented. If you’re not a Clojure user already, this book is a good starting point since it focuses on applying the language to solve concrete problems. This means we’ll focus on the small set of language features needed to build web applications. Clojure is a small language whose primary goals are simplicity and correctness. As a functional language, it emphasizes immutability and declarative programming. As you’ll see, these features make it easy and idiomatic to write clean and correct code.

Web development has many languages to choose from and as many opinions on what makes a language “good.” Some languages are simple but verbose. You’ve probably heard people say that verbosity doesn’t matter—that if two languages are Turing complete, anything that can be written in one language can also be written in the other with a bit of extra code. We think that’s missing the point. The real question isn’t whether something can be expressed in principle; it’s how well the language maps to the problem being solved. One language lets you think in terms of your problem domain, while another forces you to translate the problem to its constructs.

Clojure boasts tens of thousands of users across hundreds of companies; it’s used in a wide range of settings, including banks and hospitals. Clojure is likely the most popular Lisp dialect today for starting new development. It has proven itself in serious production systems, and the feedback from users has been overwhelmingly positive. Because web development is one of the major domains for using Clojure, several popular libraries and frameworks have sprouted and matured in this area. In this book we’ll primarily focus on the Luminus stack. The following chapters will teach you how to use Clojure and Luminus to build web applications effectively.

If you’re new to Clojure, the Clojure community’s “assemble-your-own-web-framework” culture can be frustrating, forcing you to guess at which libraries to use and patch together what you can from online tutorials. The Luminus “micro”-framework bundles together the community’s preferred libraries and has become the recommended starting place for new Clojure developers. With the creator of Luminus as your guide, Web Development with Clojure provides a comprehensive and realistic walk-through of how to build a web application in the Clojure ecosystem in 2021. -Rafal Dittwald (Partner, Bloom Ventures)

Web Development with Clojure, 3rd Edition is the book you need for learning to write single-page apps in Clojure/Script. Well-paced, interactive, and covering everything from basics to structuring and deploying real-life web projects. New tools, new libraries, and lots of new content. Highly recommended. -Tommi Reiman (CTO, Metosin)

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