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Popular Mechanics USA - May/June 2024

Автор: ana4220 от Вчера, 20:20
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Popular Mechanics USA - May/June 2024Название: Popular Mechanics USA - May/June 2024
Издательство: Hearst Magazines UK
Формат: True PDF
Страниц: 80
Размер: 56.3 MB
Язык: English

Discover the latest in technology, engineering, and tools with Popular Mechanics. Plus, get essential advice on your home and car, useful DIY ideas, in-depth explanations on how things work, and more!
Откройте для себя новейшие технологии, разработки и инструменты вместе с Popular Mechanics. Кроме того, вы получите важные советы по дому и автомобилю, полезные идеи для самостоятельной сборки, подробные объяснения того, как все работает, и многое другое!

Linkerd: Up and Running: A Guide to Operationalizing a Kubernetes-native Service Mesh

Автор: Limpopo5 от Вчера, 20:01
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Linkerd: Up and Running: A Guide to Operationalizing a Kubernetes-native Service MeshНазвание: Linkerd: Up and Running: A Guide to Operationalizing a Kubernetes-native Service Mesh
Автор: Jаsоn Моrgаn аnd Flуnn
Издательство: O’Reilly Media, Inc.
Год: 2024
Страниц: 150
Язык: английский
Формат: epub (true)
Размер: 10.1 MB

With the massive adoption of microservices, operators and developers face far more complexity in their applications today. Service meshes can help you manage this problem by providing a unified control plane to secure, manage, and monitor your entire network. This practical guide shows you how the Linkerd service mesh enables cloud-native developers—including platform and site reliability engineers—to solve the thorny issue of running distributed applications in Kubernetes. Jason Morgan and Flynn draw on their years of experience at Buoyant—the creators of Linkerd—to demonstrate how this service mesh can help ensure that your applications are secure, observable, and reliable. You'll understand why Linkerd, the original service mesh, can still claim the lowest time to value of any mesh option available today. When the Linkerd2 rewrite started, the Rust programming language had been gaining attention for its memory safety, which enables developers to write code that avoids many of the memory management vulnerabilities inherent to C and C++, while still compiling to native code for high performance. This book is meant to help anyone who thinks it’s easier to get things done when creating, running, or debugging microservices applications, and is looking to Linkerd to help with that. You’ll need some basic knowledge of Kubernetes, the overall concept of running things in containers, and the Unix command line to get the most out of this book. Some familiarity with Prometheus, Helm, Jaeger, etc. will also be helpful, but isn’t really critical.

Software Engineering for Data Scientists: From Notebooks to Scalable Systems (Final)

Автор: Limpopo5 от Вчера, 19:55
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Software Engineering for Data Scientists: From Notebooks to Scalable Systems (Final)Название: Software Engineering for Data Scientists: From Notebooks to Scalable Systems (Final)
Автор: Саthеrinе Nеlsоn
Издательство: O’Reilly Media, Inc.
Год: 2024
Страниц: 400
Язык: английский
Формат: pdf, epub (true)
Размер: 11.2 MB

Data Science happens in code. The ability to write reproducible, robust, scaleable code is key to a data science project's success—and is absolutely essential for those working with production code. This practical book bridges the gap between data science and software engineering,and clearly explains how to apply the best practices from software engineering to Data Science. All the code examples in this book are written in Python, and many of the chapters describe Python-specific tools. In recent years, Python has become the most popular programming language for Data Science. Python has an extremely solid set of open source libraries for data science, with good backing and a healthy community of maintainers. Large trend-setting companies have chosen Python for their main ML frameworks, including TensorFlow (Google) and PyTorch (Meta). Because of this, Python appears to be especially popular among data scientists working on production Machine Learning code, where good coding skills are particularly important. In my experience, the Python community has been friendly and welcoming, with many excellent events that have helped me improve my skills. It’s my preferred programming language, so it was an easy choice for this book. This book is aimed at data scientists, but people working in closely related fields such as data analysts, Machine Learning (ML) engineers, and data engineers will also find it useful.

Bike UK №5(614) 2024

Автор: ana4220 от Вчера, 19:48
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Bike UK №5(614) 2024Название: Bike UK №5(614) May 2024
Формат: True PDF
Страниц: 140
Размер: 94,6 MB
Язык: English

Bike is packed with road tests of new bikes and inspirational riding stories, with fantastic places, amazing races and extraordinary people.
Bike наполнен дорожными тестами новых мотоциклов и вдохновляющими историями о поездках, фантастическими местами, удивительными гонками и необычными людьми.

Marie Claire Maison Italia №4 2024

Автор: ana4220 от Вчера, 19:35
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Marie Claire Maison Italia №4 2024Название: Marie Claire Maison Italia №4 Aprile 2024
Издательство: Hearst Magazines Italia spa
Формат: True PDF
Страниц: 236
Размер: 97,6 Mb
Язык: Italian

Marie Claire Maison è il magazine internazionale che racconta le case come un riflesso dello spirito creativo delle persone che le vivono. Ma non solo.. E’ un universo “caldo” in cui convivono lifestyle, design e charme, raccontati con eleganza e semplicità.
Marie Claire Maison — международный журнал, рассказывающий о домах как об отражении творческого духа людей, которые в них живут. Но это еще не все. Это «теплая» вселенная, в которой стиль жизни, дизайн и очарование сосуществуют, рассказанная с элегантностью и простотой.

Grazia Italia №20 2024

Автор: ana4220 от Вчера, 19:19
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Grazia Italia №20 2024Название: Grazia Italia №20 17,Aprile 2024
Издательство: Mondadori Media S.p.A., S.L.L.
Формат: True PDF
Страниц: 260
Размер: 99 MB
Язык: Italiano

Ogni settimana su Grazia le news incontrano le ultime tendenze moda, le esclusive beauty, le opinioni di chi conta, le anticipazioni sugli eventi da non perdere. Su Grazia c'è sempre un mondo da scoprire, uno stile da fare tuo, un'emozione da condividere.
Каждую неделю на Grazia новости встречаются с последними тенденциями моды, эксклюзивной косметикой, мнениями тех, кто имеет значение, анонсами событий, которые нельзя пропустить. На Grazia всегда есть мир, который можно открыть, собственный стиль, эмоции, которыми можно поделиться.

Spatiotemporal Data Analytics and Modeling: Techniques and Applications

Автор: Limpopo5 от Вчера, 18:59
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Spatiotemporal Data Analytics and Modeling: Techniques and ApplicationsНазвание: Spatiotemporal Data Analytics and Modeling: Techniques and Applications
Автор: Jоhn А, Sаthееsh Аbimаnnаn, Еl-Sауеd М. Еl-Аlfу
Издательство: Springer
Серия: Big Data Management
Год: 2024
Страниц: 253
Язык: английский
Формат: pdf (true), epub
Размер: 18.9 MB

With the growing advances in technology and transformation to digital services, the world is becoming more connected and more complex. Huge heterogeneous data are generated at rapid speed from various types of sensors. Augmented with Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning and Internet of Things, latent relations, and new insights can be captured helping in optimizing plans and resource utilization, improving infrastructure, and enhancing quality of services. A “spatial data management system” is a way to take care of data that has something to do with space. This could include data such as maps, satellite images, and GPS data. A temporal data management system is a system designed to manage data that has a temporal component. This could include data such as weather data, financial data, and social media data. Some advanced techniques used in spatial and temporal data management systems include geospatial indexing for efficient querying and retrieval of location-based data, time-series analysis for understanding and predicting temporal patterns in datasets like weather or financial trends, machine learning algorithms for uncovering hidden patterns and correlations in large and complex datasets, and integration with Internet of Things (IoT) technologies for real-time data collection and analysis. These techniques, augmented with Artificial Intelligence, enable the extraction of latent relations and insights, thereby optimizing plans, improving infrastructure, and enhancing the quality of services. This book provides essential technical knowledge, best practices, and case studies on the state-of-the-art techniques of Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning for spatiotemporal data analysis and modeling. It can be used as academic reference at graduate level or by professionals in science and engineering related fields such as Data Science and engineering, Big Data analytics and mining, Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning and Deep Learning, cloud computing, and Internet of Things.

Panorama №17 2024

Автор: ana4220 от Вчера, 18:53
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Panorama №17 2024Название: Panorama №17 17,Aprile 2024
Издательство: Panorama S.r.l
Формат: True PDF
Страниц: 100
Размер: 65,8 MB
Язык: Italian

Ogni settimana Panorama seleziona le notizie di attualita italiana ed estera, economia, tecnologia, cultura e costume e offre ai suoi lettori approfondimenti, inchieste, reportage fotografici, commenti ed opinioni.
Каждую неделю Panorama выбирает итальянские и зарубежные текущие новости, экономику, технологии, культуру и обычаи и предлагает своим читателям идеи, исследования, фоторепортажи, комментарии и мнения.

BBC Countryfile №4(214) 2024

Автор: ana4220 от Вчера, 18:40
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BBC Countryfile №4(214) 2024Название: BBC Countryfile №4(214) April 2024
Издательство: Immediate Media Company London Ltd.
Формат: True PDF
Страниц: 100
Размер: 59.4 MB
Язык: English

Countryfile Magazine inspires you to explore forgotten corners of the great British countryside and provides knowledge of the people and wildlife that inhabit it. We want to tempt you into trying new things, seek out new places and make the most of Britain’s beautiful landscapes.
Журнал Countryfile вдохновляет вас исследовать забытые уголки великой британской сельской местности и знакомит вас с людьми и дикой природой, которые ее населяют. Мы хотим соблазнить вас попробовать что-то новое, найти новые места и насладиться прекрасными британскими пейзажами.

Arte com as Mãos - Vagonite Oitinho №4 2022

Автор: sunchik от Вчера, 18:37
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Arte com as Mãos - Vagonite Oitinho №4 2022Название: Arte com as Mãos - Vagonite Oitinho
Издательство: Casadois editora
Год: 2022
Номер: 4
Размер: 21 Мб
Формат: PDF
Страниц: 32
Язык: Португальский

Бразильский журнал по рукоделию. В номере 15 очаровательных проектов для вышивки каймы на полотенцах и столовых наборов (скатерти, салфетки).

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